Work-related injuries leave man in critical condition

While many potential hazards in the workplace are well-known, workplace accidents can still occur, even to workers who are diligent about maintaining their safety and the safety of those around them. Unfortunately, an accident in Pennsylvania has left a man in the hospital suffering from work-related injuries. He is listed in critical condition.

The incident that led to the man's hospitalization happened one morning on a day in November. According to reports, the victim, a truck driver, was attempting to transfer chemicals from his truck to a tank. Unfortunately, he detected what he thought was a chemical leak.

When he reached into a hose to investigate, his clothing reportedly began tangled in the gears of a piece of machinery, causing his arm to become entrapped. It took two hours for rescue workers to extricate the man; it was ultimately determined that there was no chemical leak. He was transported to the hospital as a result of the serious injuries suffered in the incident.

Even a relatively minor injury can result in medical bills that may be difficult for many people in Pennsylvania to cope with. As a result, states require that employers provide workers' compensation insurance coverage. In the event a person suffers work-related injuries, he or she can be compensated for the costs associated, including medical expenses, lost wages or job retraining if the person is unable to return to work in the same capacity. An attorney with experience with the process can help these victims fully understand their rights and seek a fair settlement.

Source:, "Man's arm grievously wounded in workplace accident", Nov. 22, 2017

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