Sheriff's officer suffers work-related injuries

Police officers and sheriff deputies in Pennsylvania and across the country are often forced to place themselves in unknown, risky situations. While the risks of attempting to arrest a dangerous criminal are obvious to most people, something as simple as attempting to deliver a civil warrant can often result in unexpected work-related injuries. In fact, one sheriff's officer was recently taken to the hospital after she was injured serving a warrant.

The incident happened at approximately 8 a.m. According to reports, she heard a dog barking when she arrived at the residence. Although she requested that the dog be restrained before the door was opened, reports indicate that the dog stormed the officer and bit her.

The officer's injuries were significant enough that an ambulance was called to the scene. She was ultimately transported to the hospital by another officer. The dog, which had previously bitten someone, reportedly did not have an up-to-date rabies vaccination. Because the dog was surrendered, its owner was not cited. The vaccination for another dog at the residence was also lapsed, and officials will follow up with the owner to ensure that it is given.

Because all jobs hold some degree of risks, employees in Pennsylvania and other states are required to provide workers' compensation insurance coverage. These benefits can help workers who experience work-related injuries with medical bills and lost wages, among other expenses. To ensure fair compensation, many injured workers ask an experienced attorney to help them with their claims, potentially ensuring fair treatment.

Source:, "Knox County officer taken to hospital after dog bite," Don Jacobs, Aug. 18, 2017

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