Reasons you might need a workers' compensation attorney

Work Injury, work injury reasons to hire a lawyer. At Dugan & Associates we've handled thousands of work injury cases. We get results. Here are just a few reasons to contact a workers' compensation lawyer:

1. Uncooperative employer or insurance carrier. If you get hurt on the job and you report your injury to your employer they must turn the information in to their workers compensation insurance carrier. The work injury insurance carrier should then contact you and provide you with a claim number and assure you that your medical bills for your work injury and your lost wages for your work injury will be taken care of so you can heal and return to work. If those things aren't happening call a lawyer.

2. Claim denied. Your employer notifies their workers' compensation insurance company who then (should) investigate the facts but they deny benefits. They issue a Notice of Workers' Compensation Denial. They deny you suffered an injury, or they deny your injury is work related or they check off one of the other boxes on the form denying your case. Or they accept payment of medical expenses but deny disability wage loss benefits for your work injury. Or a Notice Stopping Temporary Compensation.

3. Bills unpaid of your check is late.

4. You are scheduled for an IME or Independent Medical Exam.

5. You receive a Notice of Ability to Return to Work.

6. You receive an Impairment Rating Evaluation request.

7. You are scheduled to have a vocational interview. If you are receiving workers compensation payments and your employer cannot accommodate your restrictions the work injury insurance carrier can schedule you for an expert interview, a meeting with a vocational expert (jobs expert) in an attempt to determine whether there is other work you are capable of performing (meaning they are developing evidence to then take you to court to cut or reduce your payments).

8. You receive a Petition to Modify or Suspend benefits. See number 7. There are several ways the workers' compensation insurance carrier can attempt to reduce payments. If you receive any petition contact an attorney immediately.

9. You receive a Petition to Terminate benefits. This means the insurance company has a doctor note or report stating you have recovered from your injury and you can return to full duty, full time work without restrictions and that you need no further medical treatment in the future for your work injury.

10. You have been offered work that you are not capable of performing at this time.

There are many reasons to contact an attorney if you have a work injury, a work related injury, are on or are trying to get on workers' compensation. Call Mitch Dugan at Dugan and Associates, Lawyers Representing Injured People. 1-888-993-8426, That's 1-888-99-D-U-G-A-N.

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