New rule to reduce fall accidents

Falls remain a leading cause of serious injury and death in many workplaces. To combat this persistent trend, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is adopting new rules to improve fall prevention and safety. Most of the rules are set to take effect immediately. This post will go over the new regulations and how it affects you at work. 

The rules address both types of falls: from heights and on the same level.  Same level falls typically refer to trips, such as over loose objects or imperfections on the ground. OSHA estimates that the new rules will prevent 29 fatalities and 5,842 lost-workday injuries a year. 

The new regulations incorporate the latest advancements in industry best practices, technology, consensus standards, and cost-effective worker protection programs. The purpose of this rule is to improve safety without bankrupting employers by imposing strict or unbending rules. 

The new regulations permit employers to adopt the best fall prevention technology available for the situation or scenario, rather than rely exclusively on guard rails (as was required under the old rule). The new flexibility allows employers to meet these risks in innovative ways.

As illustrated above, construction sites remain one of the most dangerous places to work. Luckily, OSHA is continually working to improve worker safety, but when you are injured, you may want the assistance of a lawyer. An attorney may help you get the compensation you need to pay you medical bills and support your family while you heal. You don't need to file for compensation on your own; an attorney can help you.


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