Every year in Pennsylvania, many employees contract serious illnesses as a consequence of working in unsafe environments, being exposed to hazardous materials or simply not being provided with sufficient training or safety equipment. Sadly, many of these illnesses can have long-term effects or could even prove fatal. Respiratory illnesses can be particularly unpleasant and are a common result of working in certain environments.
As this article on workplace safety mentions, food flavorings are one particularly common cause of occupational respiratory illnesses. This is because the processes typically involved in the production of such flavorings often mean workers are exposed to vapors, dust and sprays, as well as various hazardous chemicals.
Many of the chemicals used in these flavorings, while they are unlikely to cause illness if consumed, can be very dangerous to inhale. Because of this, workers should be provided with safety equipment to protect them from overexposure to these chemicals. If you suspect that you may have suffered such exposure, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If it has affected your health, you might also be entitled to compensation.
Of course, no one wants to discover that they have contracted a serious illness, but if you have any doubts, it is worth consulting with your doctor. After this, you might also benefit from the support of an attorney. He or she can advise you about your options and how you can proceed if you choose to take legal action. It might seem like a lot to consider while you are unwell, but a successful claim could reduce the financial burden of your illness, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
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