Car accident common mistakes we've seen over the years tell us that there are some things you can do to help protect you in case you are in a car accident. Motor vehicle accidents happen. It's almost impossible to prepare as you never know when you could be in one. Even the most skilled and cautious of drivers have been in a car accident. However you can try to be prepared for what to do following a car crash. What can or should you do? Protect your rights. What happens after your car accident could effect you, your loved ones, and possibly your entitlement to benefits or money.
First thing to do before you get in to an accident is be prepared with proper insurance coverage. Opt for Full Tort on your policy. Full Tort allows you to sue for pain and suffering you sustained as a result of the negligence of another driver. If you don't have full tort you may not be able to collect monies for your injuries. There are exceptions to Limited Tort but why take that unnecessary chance.
Exchange information. After an accident it is very important you collect the other parties name, address, insurance information. Always exchange information so when you speak to your insurance company and file a claim they can get to work quickly.
Contact the police and file a report. Some people involved in a car accident don't want to call the police. We recommend you do. The police will take details of the car accident wich will make it easier for you when making a claim later.
Contact your insurance carrier. We recommend you contact your insurance company after you are involved in a motor vehicle accident. If you miscommunicate you may lose out on a claim. However don't sign anything until you've spoken to an attorney.
Fault. After an ancient it's common for people to try to put together events that caused the car crash. Sometimes you may think it is your fault when it really may not have been. Many factors come into play some of which you may not be aware of at the time of the car accident. Don't admit fault after the accident.
Contact an attorney you can trust. Obviously we are biased but we've seen it before where not contacting an attorney right away results in a series of mis-steps. Generally you will recover more money after an accident with an attorney than without one. We hear over and over from our client how the'd wished they contacted us sooner.
Remember our legal consultations are free. Just contact us at 1-888-993-8426 (1-88-99-D-U-G-A-N).There's never a fee unless we get money or benefits you deserve.
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