Mine safety continues to improve

Over the past six years, the Mine Safety and Health Administration ("MSHA"), in conjunction with the mining community, has made great strides in improving mine safety. Mine emergency responses are faster, safer, and better at rescuing trapped workers. This post will go over the improvements and how they can better protect you.

The mine safety has been improved in the following five ways:

  • The Holmes Mine Rescue Association was founded to support mine rescue operations and guide other rescue operations.
  • There are now faster and more efficient communication and tracking systems and mapping and atmospheric monitoring equipment which improves communication between mine rescue personnel and command and control teams on the surface.
  • There is a fourth mine rescue operation based in Kentucky that serves the Midwest.
  • Coal mine rescue teams now receive updated skills and safety training.
  • Finally, national mine rescue contests were revamped to improve skills further.

However, MSHA believes there is still more to be done. For example, MSHA wants to improve underground shelters for miners who are unable to reach the surface and must wait for rescue. MSHA also wants to continue developing seismic detection systems to locate trapped workers.

If you were injured on the job, you might want to speak to a lawyer to review your rights. Industrial workers' accidents are often serious and require extensive medical attention. You could be out of work for weeks or months, in the meantime, you will need an alternative source of income to care for your family. A lawyer can help you secure workers' compensation as soon as possible to minimize the financial impact on your family.


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