Pennsylvania announces new rates for workers' compensation

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has come to a decision about the workers' compensation rates for 2013. The statewide weekly average will be $917 per week for injuries occurring following January 1, 2013. This represents an increase of 3.3 percent from last year.

Per the Workers' Compensation Act, injured workers are entitled to benefits called 'indemnity benefits,' which are equal to two-thirds of their weekly wage. These payments do have a minimum and maximum provided for them in the Act, and additionally, the injury must have occurred at work in order to qualify for the indemnity payments.

For those who are injured at work, it can be a frustrating experience to say the least. Not only is there the injury and ensuing medical issues to contend with, it often means being out of work for an extended period of time. Workers' compensation is meant to ease the financial burden on those injured in the workplace. Additionally, the injury does not need to be a result of negligence on the employer's part -- though workplace injuries are typically linked.

Sometimes, workers' compensation applications are denied. These decisions are made by the employers, and they may have an ulterior motive for the denial. There are many details to take into account for workers' compensation, including the approval of a physician, the presence of a pre-existing condition, and the administrative issues that may come up. For those in that challenging position, seeking the advice of a workers' compensation attorney can assist to determine if there is the opportunity to appeal for the much-needed and deserved benefits.

Source:, "PA Announces New WC Rates," Jan. 14, 2013

  • There is additional information about denied benefits on our Pittsburgh workers' compensation lawyer page.
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