Workers' compensation and construction site fires


When we report about workers' compensation situations that occur on construction sites, they involve heavy construction equipment, failing ladders, or falls from five or more feet. These are not the only ways in which a construction worker may be injured while at work in Pittsburgh and throughout Western Pennsylvania, however. A recent fire at a nearby construction site has caused several injuries and workers' compensation claims are likely to follow.

A fire broke out at a construction site in another state that injured a total of seven of the construction workers. The incident took place at a hospital where a new building is under construction. The fire apparently started in an elevator shaft. Authorities indicate that when it broke out, workers were in the process of welding.

In addition to the construction workers, one firefighter called to the scene to put the flames out was hurt as well. The workers apparently suffered from smoke inhalation while the firefighter hurt her arm. Of the eight injured individuals, one was taken to an area hospital for treatment. Fortunately it does not appear that anyone suffered serious injuries in the incident.

Even seemingly minor injuries can impact a worker's ability to complete the tasks associated with his or her position. Should the construction worker's injuries be of a nature that makes it impossible for that individual to immediately return to work, it is possible that workers' compensation benefits could be sought after by a claimant and his or her workers' compensation lawyer.

As is the case in most workplace accidents, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been informed about the construction accident. It will likely commence an investigation into the matter to determine whether any safety protocols were violated.

If you have questions about workers' compensation, call the Dugan & Associates today for a free consultation at 412-922-0800.

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