Work Injury Concussions
Have you suffered a Work Injury Concussion? Has your employers' Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier sent you for an exam of a doctor of their choosing sometimes known as an IME (Independent Medical Exam)? Is the IME physician Dr. Kasdan, Dr. Talbot, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Cosgrove or someone else hired by the work comp insurance company or their attorney? Are you suffering from a concussion, post concussion syndrome or it's effects and are treating at a concussion clinic or with a concussion specialist such as the ones at the UPMC Concussion Program? If so you may find yourself in a situation defending your work injuries.
Recently we are seeing an influx of cases involving IME doctors like Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Kasdan who are saying our clients never had a concussion, or that the injured worker is recovered from their concussion despite the overwhelming thorough testing and outstanding treatment with the UPMC concussion clinic or other similar health care providers. These IME physicians are challenging expert testing and treatment from such notable physicians as Dr. Collins, Dr. Twitchell, Dr. Lovell, Dr. Anderson and the many other therapists and doctors throughout Western Pennsylvania that treat and help thousands of people suffering from the debilitating effects of concussion and post concussion syndrome every day.
Ultimately, if your case goes into litigation and it doesn't settle it will be up to the Workers' Compensation Judge to decide which medical expert witness to believe. These IME doctors, many of whom have experience in testifying against injured workers, examine injury victims and people with work injuries for the workers' compensation insurance carrier for a fee. Many of these IME docs we have cross-examined numerous times.They are challenging the testing and treatment that many people are receiving for concussions as unnecessary, and/or not reasonable, or as not related to your work injury. And, unfortunately, despite the overwhelming tests and treatment you are receiving a workers' compensation judge could accept the testimony of the IME medical expert witness over that of your own medical expert witness.
If you or a loved one have suffered a work injury concussion don't go it alone. Go with the law firm that has experience in handling concussion cases. Call the law firm of Dugan & Associates, Lawyers Representing Injured People. Call now at 1-800-772-5422. There is no fee unless we get you the money or benefits you deserve.
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