The need for medical documentation in Workers' Compensation and Social Security Disability cases can be very important. Many cases are won, lost or paid on what the medical records show. It is important to keep this in mind whenever you are involved in Workers' Compensation or Social Security Disability.
It may go with out saying but I'll say it anyway; if you don't have a doctor to support you then get one! It's common sense. If you are saying you have an injury or disability you should be treating for it. Think about it. Why should an insurance company or judge give you money if your saying you're hurt or disabled when you don't have a doctor to say that.
In our opinion you need medical documentation to support that you are injured due to a work injury, or disabled and unable to work for social security disability. Generally the law says that if you are disabled or injured due to a work injury you need unequivocal medical evidence to support your disability/injury. Having such evidence or documentation is not a guarantee that you will win your case but at least provides evidence to support your position.
What type of documentation should you have? Well a lot, of course, depends on the treatment you've had but again common sense is important. The more detailed thought out the better. Did you have diagnostic testing? Do x-rays, MRI's, EMg's show evidence of your condition which can reasonably explain the problems that you're having? Is a doctor willing to write a detailed letter explaining the problem, diagnosis, outline the treatment, interpret the tests, and/or support your position?
For questions regarding Social Security Disability or Workers' Compensation feel free to contact Dugan & Associates, Lawyers Representing Injured People.
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