$2 million settlement reached in scaffold collapse

In 2010, a scaffolding platform slid from its supports and fell to the ground on the Binghamton University campus. Six workers were injured, and one worker recently won a court battle with a $2 million settlement for his injuries. The verdict returned by the jury ordered the construction company to pay for past and future pain and suffering, lost wages (both past and future) and the man's medical expenses.

The safety chains meant to hold the platform of the scaffolding in place were not in use when the bridge failed. All six workers involved in the scaffolding accident were injured.

The man's injuries included a compound elbow fracture, traumatic brain injuries which left him with headaches, dizzy spells and memory issues, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Following the collapse, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued citations against the contracting companies working on the site. The construction company that this man was working for was not cited, but in this case was found to have assumed liability for the workers.

Injuries sustained in the workplace as a result of negligence on the part of the employer, contractor or foreman can cause life-long consequences. This man will have to deal with the aftermath of this negligence in his health and everyday life for the foreseeable future. Though money cannot replace what is lost, it can help to make the financial burdens of being unable to work easier to shoulder, pay medical bills and hopefully prevent similar events from occurring.

Source: Press Connects, "Jury awards $2 million to man hurt in Binghamton U. accident", Steve Reilly, Oct. 31, 2012

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